Long-term loans payable include the loans borrowed from financial institutions and other units. 长期借款包括向金融机构借款和向其他单位借款。
Article 37 Long-term liabilities refer to the debts which will be redeemed after one year or an operating cycle longer than a year, including long-term loans payable, bonds payable, long-term accounts payable, etc. 第三十七条长期负债是指偿还期在一年或者超过一年的一个营业周期以上的债务,包括长期借款、应付债券,长期应付款项等。
Pension fund liabilities are, in effect, long-term loans by employees to the sponsoring company, secured on the assets of the fund. 实际上,养老基金负债是员工贷给担保企业的长期贷款,以基金资产为担保。
The value of new long-term loans to businesses contracted 43% year-over-year in the first four months of 2012. 2012年头四个月,发放给企业的新增长期贷款同比萎缩43%。
This week brings a Federal Reserve meeting on Wednesday, the first targeted long-term loans from the European Central Bank on Thursday and the Scottish referendum result first thing on Friday. 美联储(Fed)将在本周三开会,欧洲央行(ECB)将在周四首次推出具有针对性的长期贷款,苏格兰公投结果将成为周五一大早的重要新闻。
Issue short-term, medium-term and long-term loans; 发放短期、中期和长期贷款;
Bailout loan: Loan made to Borrower whose ability to service outstanding indebtedness has become doubtful. And much of it can be in the form of long-term loans to be repaid by the republics once they're on their feet. 拯救性贷款:即贷给偿债能力已出现问题的借款人的贷款。大部分可用长期贷款方式,一旦各共和国能自力更生时便偿还。
Thus, the overall risk of forest activities would lie reduced, and the possibility of small long-term loans to foresters would he raised. 降低营林活动整体风险,提高林农小额长期贷款的可能性,推动林权改革的深入及林业产业的发展。
The Export-Import Bank extends long-term loans at favorable rate to foreign buyers, thus financing the purchase of US goods and services. 进出口银行向国外购买者以优惠利率扩展长期贷款,从而为他们购买美国的商品和服务提供资金。
High-price house buyers prefer low proportion long-term loans as compared to mid-and-low price house buyers; 购置高价住宅的借款人相对于购置中低价格住宅的借款人更倾向选择中低比例长期贷款;
As for long-term loans for new ventures, it can forget them. 至于为新型企业提供的长期贷款,压根就别想了。
A rise in the share of medium-and long-term loans to fund investment projects also would signal the stimulus is kicking in. 中长期贷款基金投资项目股票的增长标志着这刺激正在觉醒的信号。
In2004, a World Bank loan of$ 120 million to the SIDBI-the apex bank for SMEs in India-has helped channel long-term loans. 2004年,世行向印度国内面向中小企业的第一大银行&印度小企业发展银行(SIDBI)提供了1.2亿美元贷款。目前,该笔贷款已帮助发放了多笔长期贷款。
Similarly, real property ( land and buildings) and equipment are good forms of collateral, but they are generally used as security for long-term loans rather than for working capital loans. 同样,不动产(土地,建筑物)和设备都是很好的抵押品形式,但它们一般用于长期贷款的抵押品而非流动资金贷款。
And much of it can be in the form of long-term loans to be repaid by the republics once they're on their feet. 大部分可用长期贷款方式,一旦各共和国能自力更生时便偿还。
Long-term liabilities shall be shown by item of long-term loans, bonds payable, long-term accounts payable in accounting statements. 长期负债应按长期借款、应付债券、长期应付款项在会计报表中分列列示。
This reduced the resources of funds for mid-and long-term loans as well as downgrading the stability of deposits, but increased the pressure for circulation. 这减少了中长期贷款的资金来源,但是增加了流通的压力。
Nicaragua buys$ 1 billion a year of Venezuelan oil, and gets half of it back in low-interest, long-term loans. 尼加拉瓜每年购买委内瑞拉10亿美元的石油,其中可以通过低利息的长期贷款收回五亿美元。
The report sees little reason for the fund to provide long-term loans to countries in deep poverty but not in acute crisis. 研究报告认为:对于处于深度贫困而不是紧急危机的国家,货币基金组织没有什么理由给他们提供长期贷款。
The use of proceeds is confined to mid-or long-term loans or equity investments in projects in China and can not be converted to foreign currencies. 初始投资被定义为中、长期贷款或者是在中国的股份投资,并且不可将其转换为外币。
Provided the Federal Reserve sets the cost of short-term money below the return on long-term loans, as it has for much of the past two decades, banks can hardly fail to make money. 只要美联储(Fed)将短期借贷利率设定在低于长期贷款收益率的水平(正如过去20年很多时间中那样),银行几乎不可能不赚钱。
ADBC: New medium and long-term loans rise in Jan-Aug. 农业发展银行:一月至八月,新生中长期贷款持续增长。
In 1998 the policy changed and pairs of pandas started to leave China on long-term loans, which improved the chances of reproduction in captivity. 到了1998年,政策发生变化,中国改以长期租借的形式,送出成对的大熊猫,这么做增加了大熊猫在动物园繁殖的几率。
Unmarried borrowers prefer high proportion loans and young borrowers and borrowers with college education prefer long-term loans. 未婚借款人更倾向高比例贷款;年轻借款人和高等教育程度借款人更倾向长期贷款。
Therefore, the real estate development companies rely heavily on financial institutions to provide long-term loans. 所以,房地产开发企业在很大程度上依赖于金融机构提供的长期借款。
In recent years, the long-term loans share of commercial banks showed rising trend. 近年来,我国商业银行中长期贷款占比呈现日益上升的趋势。
For example, the company no more long-term loans, short-term loans, and the repayment ability is better. 比如该公司没有较多的长期贷款,短期贷款多,且偿还能力较好。
The existence of this phenomenon makes short-term financing bills in the short-term loans to commercial banks with an alternative role, and also forms a substitution for long-term loans. 这种现象的存在也就使得短期融资券在对商业银行的中短期贷款具有替代作用的同时,对商业银行的长期贷款形成了替代作用。
As the bank loans and corporate bonds in China is currently the main source of debt financing, the article discusses the debt financing is the main bank borrowings ( including short-term, medium and long-term loans) and bond financing. 由于银行借款和债券是我国企业目前最主要的债务资金来源,因此本文讨论的债务融资主要是银行借款(包括短期、中长期借款)和债券融资。